First Zoning Request Already In Process for Coeur-Terre
The Coeur-Terre project makes its first request to increase the original density. The request change from R-17 to C-17 on 14.095 acres within the northwest area on Lot 1, Block 1 of Full Circle Tracts among other changes. The reasoning is that the previous C-17 has already been taken for a religious building. The other changes move the originally expected well location.
What is the Request?
A proposed zone change from R-17 to C-17 on 14.095 acres within the northwest area on Lot 1, Block 1 of Full Circle Tracts, and a proposed zone change from R-3 to C-17L on 0.824 acres to reflect the location of a future city well, and zone change the previously planned city well location on 0.517 acres from C-17L to R-3.
The request also includes minor amendments to clarify certain terms of the Coeur Terre Annexation and Development Agreement to allow for specific land use activities and product types by zone and to allow staff determinations of future allowed land uses/project types by zone, and to address the timing of sewer infrastructure installation. All other provisions of the agreement will remain intact.
Where is it located?
The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Huetter Road and Hanley Avenue within the southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, commonly known as Coeur Terre Master Planned Development.
Impacts and Concerns
More Density
The addition of another C-17 area enables more density. Although the current C-17 area has been taken for religious usage at this time, it can be sold and the zoning would stay the same. This would double the amount of C-17 area in the North West section of land.
More Traffic
The C-17 change on the North West side of the property will create unexpected design changes around traffic and original impacts placed on surrounding neighborhoods. However, the big item that they are doing is ensuring that any expansion of Huetter Road must occur on the Post Falls side rather than properly splitting the additional right-away to Coeur d’Alene as well. The issue has been brought to the planning committee and CDA commissioners on several occasions.
A setback on the C-17 property should be put in place to ensure that any needed right-away in the future can be taken from equally between Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene.