Citizens unite against Huetter Corridor project

The CDA Press published an article about how the community is getting together to standup against the government overreach of the Huetter Corridor project which has been going on for years. At the meeting, the people came up with a list of items which are of concern to them.

Items (not in ranked order)

  • The design doesn’t make sense!
  • Design not good
  • Not Necessary
  • Take my house and property – held hostage, land, and house not sellable
  • What is really going to happen?
  • Ridiculous and unnecessary – not the correct place to fix the bottlenecks of traffic in the county
  • Question the noise and pollution from the project and that it is will be underground and by an aquifer
  • What on a residential street?
  • Questions on the economics of the project
  • What does Huetter need to be 4-lanes?
  • Climate impact
  • Impact on wildlife
  • Noise pollution – safety concerns of high-speed traffic/truck traffic
  • There is already 53, 41, and 95 plus other north to south roads
  • This was voted down!!!
  • Ancillary Issues: Sewer, Water, Taxes, Pollutions

As for Mr. Glenn Miles responses, in an email to Mr. Rogers, he did state funds for the ecology study came from COVID Mitigation.

“As far as the funding is concerned, KMPO was informed that ITD would be assuming the responsibility for the corridor and providing funding to support development of the environmental study. This would be the next step in the process and consistent the way projects are developed. There were three possible funding sources that were available to ITD to fund the effort. The TECM funding (approved by the legislature), COVID Relief funding (provided by Congress), or COVID Mitigation (ITD funds held back from the program in the event of reduced gas tax revenue during the shut-down). The ITD Board chose to use the third source of funds and that decision was made at their May regular board meeting.”

However, they would not have had the money unless they used Federal COVID funding on another project. According to the US Treasury, roads are not listed as place where COVID funds can be used (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | U.S. Department of the Treasury). There is definitely some misdirection here.

US Treasury COVID

TIP amendment #11, June 4 KMPO-2021-2027-TIP-Amendment-11_FY21.pdf

  • COVID funding was used for KN 21938 US 95 Ironwood to SH 53 Signal Upgrades, $2,450,000 Advance Construction to FY 21, FA-COVID
  • Because of COVID funding, state money could be allocated for KN 23349 US 95 Alt Route Huetter Bypass NEPA Study, $3,000,000 PE, PC FY21 State Funding

Also, the quote in the article seems like Mr. Miles isn’t being forthcoming. “Miles, who has been with KMPO since its inception in 2003, said the organization does not work with Canada.”

Here is Mr. Miles background with Coalition for America’s Gateways & Trade Corridors (Glenn Miles | CAGTC)

“As the Executive Director of KMPO, Glenn is currently leading an effort with transportation agencies, economic development organizations and business interests in Idaho and Alberta, Canada in establishing greater ties associated with freight and commerce between Edmonton, AB and Coeur d’ Alene, ID areas.”

Glenn Miles | CAGTC Profile Snapshot